Shayne Longpre

Shayne Longpre

AI Research Scientist


About me

Hey, I’m a PhD Candidate at MIT. My research focuses on the intersection of AI and policy: responsibly training, evaluating, and governing general-purpose AI systems. I lead the Data Provenance Initiative, led the Open Letter on A Safe Harbor for Independent AI Evaluation & Red Teaming, and have contributed to training models like Bloom, Aya, and Flan-T5/PaLM. I’m thankful for the recognition my research has received: Best Paper Awards from ACL 2024, NAACL 2024, as well as coverage by the NYT, Washington Post, Atlantic, 404 Media, Vox, and MIT Tech Review.


  • Google Brain Student Researcher (2022), collaborating with Barret Zoph, Jason Wei.
  • Applied ML at Apple.
  • Research at Stanford NLP lab (2017), advised by Chris Manning and Danqi Chen.
  • Research at Salesforce Research (2016), supervised by Caiming Xiong and Richard Socher.
  • Completed a BA in Economics (2016) and MS in Computer Science (2018) at Stanford University.

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